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Tips for Hurricane Season

Jun 5, 2020

As we begin hurricane season, PLM would like to give you some safety tips for your fleet to help mitigate possible storm damage.

• Move trailers to higher ground, especially in flood zones

• Keep trailers close together to minimize movement

• Fill fuel tanks before the storm hits – diesel fuel will be hard to get after the storm passes through. If you are able to, have some reserve tanks for afterwards but make sure they are safely above ground as flood water will contaminate underground tanks.

Once the storm passes, all equipment will need a complete inspection prior to being used as the combination of salt / contaminated water can damage brake, electrical components and the TRU. Some key areas to inspect include:

a. Trailers suspected of sitting in water should have the wheel bearings checked for water intrusion and repacked with grease / oil or have the bearing replaced. If in doubt, replace the bearings

b. The electrical system should be tested to check ABS and light operations

c. Fuel system should be checked for water intrusion and drained as needed with filters being changed and system bled up to the injectors

d. Inspect the TRU for any signs of flood damage

e. Check oil level for signs of water intrusion into the crankcase

If there is any doubt about damage to the equipment, contact your local PLM branch for additional assistance