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Meet Us in Long Beach, Booth 341 - ACT

Aug 9, 2021

PLM will be heading to ACT's annual conference August 30th - September 2nd, 2021 in Long Beach, CA.


ACT Expo brings the North American transportation industry together for an expansive showcase of the technologies, fuels, policies, and organizations driving economic and environmental sustainability on our roadways. Each year, leading OEMs and suppliers leverage ACT Expo to unveil and display today’s latest innovations and next generation technologies.


Members from PLM’s sales team will be on-hand to showcase our unique fleet solutions for refrigerated fleet management:

  • Fleet planning for lease and rental equipment
  • Customized maintenance plans
  • Technology driven reporting
  • Telematics tracking and analysis


 Meet us at Booth #341 to learn more about our personalized lifecycle management plans for your refrigerated fleet.